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Our evaluation services are led by subject specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their respective fields. They use a variety of tools and techniques to assess each student’s academic performance, including standardized tests, interviews, and observations.

Our Evaluation Services

Our Monitoring and Assessment services are a critical tool to evaluate child’s academic progress and ensure they are receiving the best education possible. Despite paying significant fees for Schools, tutoring or home-schooling, parents may not have the expertise or resources to evaluate their child’s performance effectively. Our team of assessors and child psychologists offer an objective, data-driven approach to evaluating a child’s academic progress of core subjects ( English, Science and Mathematics), identifying areas of strength and areas that may need additional support. This not only helps parents understand what their child is missing but also provides them with actionable insights that can help them make informed decisions about their child’s education. Our goal is to ensure that parents have the information they need to support their child’s academic success and help them reach their full potential.”