Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of monitoring and assessing students is to evaluate their academic progress, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide feedback to help them improve their learning outcomes. The assessments may also be used to measure the effectiveness of teaching methods and curricula, and to inform educational policies and decisions or update of syllabi by different boards and educational policies.

Monitors and Assessors may use different criteria depending on the subject, grade level, and educational goals. Some common criteria include accuracy, completeness, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills. We may also assess students’ knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of course content.

The frequency of evaluations depends on the school or institution’s policies, the subject, and the grade level. Typically, students may be evaluated weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on the course and educational goals.

Some benefits of monitoring and assessing students include identifying learning gaps and addressing them early, providing feedback to students to help them improve their performance, identifying effective teaching strategies, measuring the effectiveness of educational programs, and supporting data-driven decision-making.

our procedujre is very simple. Parents should visit on our campus fill the form and register their child. Our campus located at Shahwar Trade Center, B 203, 2nd floor, PECHS Block 2, Allama Iqbal Road, Karachi. Ph# 0311-1169232

The best time to evaluate a child from Monitors and Assessors may vary depending on the educational goals and policies of the school or institution. In general, evaluations may be conducted at regular intervals, such as quarterly or semester-based assessments. However, there may be other opportunities for assessments, such as mid-term evaluations, diagnostic assessments, or progress checks.

Yes, Monitors and Assessors may evaluate students in Physical and online as well especially when student are living abroad. Online evaluations will conduct in real-time or asynchronously by following other protocols .

In most cases, it may not be possible for parents to evaluate all three papers of each subject to evaluate their child’s performance at once. The assessment process is typically designed to be objective and standardized, and involves trained monitors and assessors who are responsible for evaluating student performance using predetermined criteria or standards. However, parents get prior appointment for second and third paper for the evaluate the child.

Monitors and assessors use various methods to evaluate students, Our papers set for Above Average, Average or Below Average Students by using KUA (Knowledge, Understanding and Application) for all core subjects seperately for each student as per their grade and age. We may also use rubrics or grading scales to measure student performance against predetermined standards or criteria.

Monitors and Assessors use a variety of assessments, including formative assessments, summative assessments, standardized tests, and authentic assessments (used to measure real-world skills and performance).

Yes, in some cases, parents may be able to evaluate their child’s performance twice in an academic year, especially if they are homeschooling their child or using alternative educational models.

Yes, in most cases, parents or students may request a copy of the evaluation report to review the student’s performance and progress.

We can also allow Schools can use evaluation data to identify areas of improvement, adjust teaching methods and curriculam to better meet student needs, provide targeted support to struggling students, and recognize effective teaching practices. They may also use the data to set academic goals, measure progress, and allocate resources effectively.

Yes, you can meet with subject specialists after evaluation by taking prior appointment and discuss about progress of child on the basis of evaluation from Monitors and Assessors.

Yes, it may be possible to pay evaluation fees online. This can be a convenient and secure way to pay for evaluations. Parents or students may be able to access their account or registration information online, and make payments using a credit card, debit card, or other electronic payment methods.

Yes, We welcome parents to visit the campus before registration. Campus visits can provide valuable information about the Monitors and Assessors. our staff can help parents and students make informed decisions about enrollment.